Magnolia Room plans to open Tuesday.
Great news for Tucker from Tomorrows News Today
The wait is finally over! Barring any crazy mishaps, Magnolia Room Cafeteria expects to "soft open" this upcoming Tuesday, January 31st. The restaurant, which represents the reincarnation of sorts of the beloved Tucker S&S Cafeteria, has been delayed a number of times as the owner worked to rectify issues and perfect the restaurant and its menu.

The restaurant is located in the City of Tucker, on Hugh Howell Road, in the Shops at Heritage Place shopping center.
An official announcement came earlier today that the restaurant will host a "preview week" next week.
final health and building inspections are on Monday January 30th, so
tentatively our doors will OPEN on TUESDAY January 31st. We intend to be
very close to the full variety you expect from us, but please
understand we want to be CERTAIN every dish is perfect. So please
understand if your favorite is not yet on our menu.
Preview Week Serving Hours: Lunch 11-2 Dinner 4:30-7:30"