After hearing about this place I had to go visit to get a picture of Robert Mitchum
you know, the guy who played in the cult classic movie "Thunder Road". It's only about 4 miles from Decatur High School on Dekalb Ave.
Now I know this tunnel is called the Krog Street Tunnel, but for me, after my vist,
I will now call this "The Thunder Road Tunnel".
Trying to photograph this place your need to watch out for joggers and bicycles, I almost got hit by a guy on a bike.
Read this story about this place.
A story in AJC about the rebirth of DeKalb Avenue contained a rather insulting reference to what I consider to be one of the thoroughfare’s most colorful landmarks.
I’m talking about the Krog Street tunnel.
The story made much ado about how DeKalb Avenue was coming back to life, as evidenced by the influx of the young and affluent to shiny new condos:
It’s a stark contrast to the graffiti-covered train trestle at DeKalb Avenue and Krog Street, just a few hundred feet away. … Such sights once were common along the mostly industrial thoroughfare, which runs parallel to two rail lines. But as condos and apartments go up, slowly the graffiti and other eyesores are disappearing.
Personally, I love the rust and the grit, the imperfections and pure urban-ness of DeKalb Avenue — and the Krog Street tunnel in particular. When I was a teenager exploring the city, such a welcome reprieve from the soulless burbs, it was my favorite stretch of road. I’d hate to see it morph into a replica of the East Cobb homogeny from which I tried to escape.
I’m curious about what you readers think. Krog Street tunnel: eyesore or urban chic?
story by: Mara Shalhoup, Creative Loafing.
If you have a story about this place, please share it.
Is it a eyesore or is it art.
This Blogger thinks it is art.
We need more graffiti artist like the one who did Robert Mitchum.
Hope you enjoy my photos.
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