Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'll Have a Cherry-Lime Ricky and a Hard Boiled Egg

I'll have a Cherry Lime Ricky and a Hard Boiled Egg.....Oh, and I've just found.. the internet.

Cherry Lime Ricky Recipe

Courtesy of
6 fresh cherries, pitted
1/2 lime, cut into 3 wedges
2 teaspoons sugar
3 ounces gin
1 cup chopped ice
Preparation Instructions by The Food Network:
Put the cherries, lime, and sugar into a large rocks glass. Muddle the fruit and sugar by pressing them with a pestle or a wooden spoon until juicy and fragrant. Add the gin and chopped ice. Cover with a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously, or stir, until combined and chilled, about 30 seconds. (In general, by the time the shaker mists up the drink is ready.) Serve.

thanks Bill Curtis and I've just found.. the internet.

And thanks foodnetwork.com for sharing this great recipe for internet viewers.


Unknown said...

Your ingredents and preperation exactly match that given on and copyright by foodnetwork.com

Next Stop...Decatur said...

Yes ,it is courtesy of foodnetwork.com

Anonymous said...

It is especially delicious if you drop in that hard boiled egg.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

John, you can copyright content of a web page, as Food Network did. However, unlike music, computer programs, books and the like, you can NOT copyright a recipe. You can copyright the delivery of recipes. For example, I can't make a cookbook with all the same recipes as another one. But each one of the recipes in that book are not protected by copyright law. Before correcting someone on a point of law, be sure you know what the law is.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are correct on the law but common courtesy dictates that credit be given (in this case it was) when displaying a recipe for which you know the source. However, in some cases you are only giving credit to someone who failed to give credit when they displayed the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

Anonymous said...

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