Next Stop...Decatur has hit the 100,000 viewer mark, I started this blog a little over a year & a half ago. I never thought it would be this popular, with a little help from Dave over at inDecatur and Nick over at Decatur Metro they have both pointed viewers my way.
And I truly thank them for it.
Thanks guys.
To get to my site just type NEXTSTOPDECATUR.COM
Thanks to all who have visited my site, I hope I have added some entertainment along the way while giving you Decatur news.
Congrats Dennis! You're ability to dig up and acquire some of the most interesting historical photos of our fair city is a true asset to the entire community. Plus it's great fun to see how the city has changed over the past 100 or so years (depending on the pic)!
Keep it up! And here's to the next 100,000.
Good day!
Im new to the site. really looking forward to meeting new people, seeing what they have to say and just really chilling on some social network other than facebook. bleh. like i said, i am me, now who are you?
Peace out, Dennis from [url=http://www.myonlinepayday.com]My Online Payday[/url] website!
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