Cookbook Authors coming to The Cook’s Warehouse
WHO: Several nationally known touring cookbook authors
April 13: Liz Thorpe – The Cheese Chronicles. Thorpe, a renowned cheesemonger and VP of Murray’s Cheese, will teach “The Harmony of Wine and Cheese” complete with tasting, and will autograph her book.
April 21: Elizabeth Sims and Chef Brian Sonoskus – Tupelo Honey Café. A well-known Asheville, NC, restaurant with creative recipes and healthy ingredients and the first cookbook focuses on Asheville’s foodtopian culture. An evening meal of its recipes and wines from the Biltmore Estate will be followed by a signing of the cookbook.
(This class at the Decatur shop.)
May 3: Tony Seichrist – Meat. Salt. Time. Atlanta chef Seichrist has written a tribute to salumi master Cristiano Creminelli and will teach the way it’s made as well as an evening of Northern Italian cuisine, then autograph his new book.
May 12: Nathalie Dupree and Cynthia Graubart – Southern Biscuits. The new definitive biscuit-baking cookbook, star chef Dupree and her co-author Graubart will host a cooking class featuring recipes from the new release and will sign copies of their cookbook after class.
May 16: Sherri Brooks Vinton – Put ‘Em Up! This comprehensive guide to home preserving covers everything from canning and freezing to drying and infusions. A mix of seasonal berries will take center stage for this hands on evening of preserving. After class, Vinton will sign copies of her book. (This class at the Decatur shop.)
June 16: Sheri Castle – The New Southern Garden Cookbook. Castle will teach a class of healthy, fresh ingredients from local gardens and personalize your copy of her new cookbook.
June 23: Joanne Weir – Wine Country Cooking. A fourth-generation and award-winning cookbook author and television personality, Weir will cook up a dinner of her favorite recipes before her signing.
WHERE: The Cook’s Warehouse, Ansley Mall
1544 Piedmont Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30324 / 404-815-4993, store phone
Tupelo Honey Café and Put ‘Em Up at the Decatur shop:
The Cook’s Warehouse
180 West Ponce de Leon Avenue
Decatur, Georgia 30030 / (404) 377-4005, store phone
To register for any of these classes (filter by chef’s name):
We’re pleased to arrange interviews with any of the authors – please schedule with Wendy or Jim.
Wendy Allen, (404) 492-9015, wendy@cookswarehouse.com
Jim Brams, (404) 403-6218, jimbrams@att.net
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