The Decatur Minute
Sometimes New Things Just Don’t Work!

OK, we agree, the new holiday decorations don’t measure up to our standards. Rather than looking like swags, they look like upside down trees and they just don’t work on the street lamps. Many of our holiday wreaths date back to 1996 and were starting to look shabby. We thought it would be a good idea to trade them out for something different and replace the oldest wreaths with an updated design. Boy were we wrong! So, when you mess up, admit it, take responsibility and fix it. The good news is that our old wreaths are still in storage. Our decorating company will begin switching them out but it may take a week as they fit us into their installation schedule. The “experiments” will be traded in for new wreaths next season and we will put this down as a lesson learned. In the meantime, just tell your friends that they are festive arrows pointing you in the direction of great shopping and wonderful food and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
and what did this cost us????
What's wrong with them? I haven't heard any complaints. I think they're a big improvement over the same old look. Cruise through a few other old timey downtowns in other areas and you'd be surprised at how boring Decatur's decorations actually look.
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