Monday, November 20, 2017

Christmas Tree Lighting! Thursday, Nov 30, 7 p.m. @ Little Shop of Stories

From Little Shop of Stories -
 On Thursday, November 30th – 7 pm
 Please join us for the tree lighting on Decatur Square! We will have hot chocolate and other goodies and music from the F.AVE chorus. Free and open to the public!
 This wonderful annual event is brought to you by the following most excellent Decatur friends: Apolinsky and Associates, Butter & Cream, Café Alsace, Cakes & Ale, Downtown Decatur Development Authority, Decatur Presbyterian Church, Homegrown, Pam Hughes at Harry Norman Realtors, J.M. Wilkerson Construction, McCurdy Candler, Mudhouse Design, My Own Bookkeeper, Private Bank of Decatur, Rocket Fizz, Starbucks, Trinity Mercantile and Design, Verisail, Wild Oats & Billy Goats, and Worthmore Jeweler.

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