I want to take a minute and welcome a new City of Decatur blog called "The Decatur Minute" I know all of us will be reading your new blog. The link has been added to my blog roll.
Thanks Linda for the mention of Decatur's 3 most popular blogs, nDecatur, Decatur Metro & Next Stop...Decatur
Below is the description of the blog posted by Linda.
The Decatur Minute Goes Live
October 7, 2008 by Linda
Welcome to The Decatur Minute, a blog written by employees in the Community & Economic Development Department of the City of Decatur. We are excited to enter the blogosphere and welcome any and all comments, ideas, suggestions, and information to share. We will give you the latest on special events, volunteer opportunities, new businesses, things to see and do in Decatur, and more.
Our blog policy is posted on the City of Decatur website and we look forward to ongoing conversations with the community.
We also have links to popular Decatur blogs such as Decatur Metro, nDecatur, Next Stop Decatur and others with Decatur connections. You will also find links to blogs from our shops and restaurants. If you know of a Decatur blog that is missing, please let us know.
Check back often - it only takes a minute!
1 comment:
Nice fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
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