Current bid on Ebay is 850.00 as of 2/5/09
You can bid here.
Remember :All the proceeds go to the Trackside Tavern/Fifth Earl Employee Fund.
End time:Feb-07-09 08:44:49 PST
At this rate I would not be surprised if it goes over $ 2,000.00
Ebay listing reads:
After months of waiting, Leon's Full Service is ready to open. The Brick Store guys are putting the final touches on their new space for an official opening Sunday or Monday. Who gets to buy the first official pint at the new hub of our fair city? It could be you! Mike, Dave, and Tom are auctioning off the right to buy the first pint, and all the proceeds go to the Trackside Tavern/Fifth Earl Employee Fund. The historic moment will be photographed and enshrined on the wall of Leon's along with the first bill. This is history in the making. You'll tell your grandkids. This will make the Inauguration look like a Concert on the Square. Mary Jane Mahan will immortalize you in the sequel to "Love at the Pub." You'll get to choose from the finest beer selection in the Southeast. And it's all to help out the good folks down on College Avenue. So bid like crazy. Even in a bad economy, you've got to have a drink every once in a while. Why not this one? First Pint will be served at 5pm on Opening Day.
1 comment:
Final price for the first pint went for $2,650! See for yourself!
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