Wordsmiths Books, in Decatur, GA, home of such literary andmusical powerhouse events as Amy Sedaris, Christopher Moore, Ani Difranco andFinal Fantasy, today launched a campaign to rally attention and funds deemed“vitally necessary’ to save and preserve the bookstore that has become a communitycenter of sorts for the literary arts in the city. In a post onWordsmiths’ always-highly-active blog, citing the store’s previousoff-the-beaten-path location’s momentous rent requirements and a recentbig-name author event requiring a massive up-front investment that didn’tpan out as catalysts for the store’s current financial peril, store ownerZachary Steele writes “We need your help to save our bookstore. Beginningtoday, August 4th, and leading through a weekend fundraising event August15th-August 17th, I am opening myself to your assistance. Itdoesn’t matter how small your contribution is–with enough help itwill all add up in the end. If you want to offer $25, $50, $100, $200,anything at all, it can help.”
“At our new location, business has been steady,walk-in traffic consistent, sales are up and costs are down”, Steelecontinues. “Everything you want out of a business and everything itneeds to be as long it’s not carting a debt that continually drains itsresources. Given the opportunity to grow in our new location, given theopportunity to balance things out, we will thrive and continue to provide theentertainment and service that you have all come to appreciate. But wecan’t get there without help. Your help in specific.” Wordsmiths Books Marketing Director Russ Marshalek is said to be inthe process of crafting a three-day benefit weekend August 15-17, and is“encouraging any with suggestions or a willingness to participate toemail him at russ@wordsmithsbooks.com”.However. Steele stresses “if you wish to help, if you can help, I ask youdo so immediately rather than waiting for the 15th to roll around.”
Potential donors of any amount are encouraged to eitherdonate online by using the ‘Donate Now” button atwordsmithsbooks.com, call the store at 404-378-7166 or simply stop in to thelocation at 545 N McDonough St, Decatur, GA 30030.
The complete text of Wordsmiths Books owner ZacharySteele’s note launching the “Save Our Bookstore” campaign canbe viewed on the Wordsmiths home page, at wordsmithsbooks.com
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