Back in the 50's and 60's almost every home had a clothes line in their back yard, but today not many are around, but they say they are coming back.
Here is a article on clothes lines,
Ontario Home Builders Association is in a tizzy!
Oh the horrors! The Ontario Home Builders Association has worked themselves into a tizzy over an uber serious issue here in Ontario – the veto on banning clothes lines. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the OHBA thinks it’s a terrible thing for the Ontario government to do.
Today, the Ontario gov announced that no longer will subdivisions etc in the Province of Ontario be allowed to ban the use of clothes lines. We are allowed to … er, air our clean laundry in public, so to say. For a long time many areas have forbidden the use of this venerable method of drying clothes. Not sure why anyone would get into a lather over such a thing, but there you have it. It was such an issue with some knuckle dragging folks, they actually banned the use of them. “Can’t have that in our neigbourhood”.
In this day and age of trying to get people to decrease their energy consumption, the ban made even less sense. To help remedy this Ontario has now said it can no longer be enforced. To encourage people to use clothes lines, Ontario Hydro will be giving out clothes lines (for both indoor and outdoor use).
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