The guys down at Whit's End wants you to know they will have Decatur High School Bulldog Wear.
So get down there and pick up some stuff, Football season will be here very soon,
and you want to look good at the opening of the new Decatur High School Stadium
Sept 19
Whit’s End, Decatur’s place formen’s casual clothing, accessories and gifts at affordable prices is nowstocking Decatur High School Bulldog Spirit Wear. The store is locatedin downtown Decaturat 431 West Ponce de Leon Avenueacross from the post office, and has free parking. Owner’s Jeff Gold and Greg Whitlock have a son at the high school that plays sports, andrealized that with their store they could provide Decaturites with a convenientway to support the DHS community. If you are at a game or school eventand aren’t ready to purchase, you can come in to Whit’s End whenyou are! Items of all kinds will be stocked. This helps thecommunity and the Booster Club which benefits from the proceeds. For store hours you can go to www.whitsenddecatur.com,or call 404.377.3310. If you don’t live nearby, give them a call for shipping and product information.
More info: To the Great Whit's End Blog Readers,
We now have Decatur High School Spirit Wear. Come in and shop when you can and help support our local high school, community, and the DHS Booster Club. You don't have to go to a game, or school event anymore to purchase these items, stop in when you want. If you don't live nearby, give us a call, and we can make arrangements to get items to you.
July 31- August 3 is Georgia Tax Free Shopping Weekend. Come in and automatically save the 7% sales tax on all clothing, shoes, and belts. Stop by for back to school clothing!
Don't forget about Fab Fridays on the last Friday of each month. After 5p there are extra savings on merchandise, and free wine and snacks.
See you in soon.
Thanks for your continued support.
Jeff and Greg
Whit's End, LLC
431 W. Ponce DeLeon Ave, #2
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 377-3310
(404) 377-8335 Fax
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