Now it's Glenlake's turn.
With the improvements comes a new pool house building for pool.
The old pool house is already history.
I guess they want the new building for summer 09
Here are the plans from City of Decatur website.
At their regular meeting on February 19, the City Commission approved a master plan and future master plan for Glenlake Park and a budget of $3,000,000 for the first phase of improvements. The approved budget provides funding for improvements to the following features in Glenlake Park:
• pool and bathhouse
• main road, parking and trail section at tennis courts
• perimeter trail
• multi-use field and pavilions
• dog park
• basketball court
• tennis court repairs
• bisecting trail
• stream bank restoration
Glenlake Park is one of Decatur’s most popular and intensively-used parks. Because of funding limits, this park has never been improved like Oakhurst, Ebster and McKoy Parks, which have benefited from numerous community development grants over the last 35 years. The recent City bond referendum provided the first funding for substantial improvements to Glenlake Park in more than 40 years.
It is anticipated that construction of the Glenlake Park improvements will take about a year and will start in September, 2008.
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