CORRECTION ON EARLIER POST I posted this above church photo a couple of months ago and I wanted to correct the post, I listed it as Decatur First United Methodist, but this is Decatur's Presbyterian Church located at Sycamore and Church St. It was taken in 1940 from Church St. after a big snow fall Decatur had received.

This is a early Post Card showing the way it use to look, today it looks very different.
Centennial Souvenir photo from Vanishing Dekalb. A hardback book that the Dekalb Historical Society put out.
Comment: Anonymous said... Many thanks for posting the pictures of Decatur Presbyterian. The reason things look so different from then to now is that the old sanctuary from the 1940s no longer exists. The entire sanctuary structure was taken down and a new sanctuary built in its place. The stained-glass windows from the old sanctuary were saved and incorporated into todays' building.
Many thanks for posting the pictures of Decatur Presbyterian. The reason things look so different from then to now is that the old sanctuary from the 1940s no longer exists. The entire sanctuary structure was taken down and a new sanctuary built in its place. The stained-glass windows from the old sanctuary were saved and incorporated into todays' building.
Thanks for the comment, I will post it.
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